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About GFE 品牌故事

直到在大學時期的一份見習工作,機緣巧合下一位熱愛靈修的同事跟我分享幾顆剛從外地購買的晶石,讓我放在手心把玩,教我感受當中的能量。 這次是我第一次靜下心神認真感受晶石的頻率。最初手心只感受到晶石的大小、重量,然後慢慢感受到一種「奇怪」的微跳動以及輕微的麻痹感覺,隨後便是一股難以形容的忐忑感受。同事再教導我將晶石放在左手手心,然後右手在晶石上方打圈徘徊,不用幾秒鐘,我便感受到一層簿薄並且柔軟的「氣」隔在手跟晶石中間,肉眼看不見,但卻真實存在。這一刻是我人生第一次深深體會到Willard Wigan 的名言:「Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it's not there. 」。從此我明白我自以為熟悉的世界其實只是冰山一角,在看不到的能量世界有無盡的知識和智慧值得探究,亦都開始了我和水晶的故事。

My families had always cherished the hobby of collecting crystals. However, perhaps destiny had other plans. Growing up surrounded by various types and sizes of crystals, I never paid them special attention. To my younger self, they were merely ornamental objects.


It was during a college internship that I encountered a coworker with a passion for spiritual practice. She introduced me to a few crystals she had recently acquired from abroad, allowing me to hold them and teaching me to sense their energy. It was the first time I genuinely connected with the crystals' frequencies. Initially, I only noticed their size and weight, but gradually, I began to perceive a subtle pulsation and a gentle tingling sensation, followed by an indescribable feeling of apprehension. My coworker instructed me to place the crystal in my left palm and circle my right hand above it. Within moments, I felt a delicate, soft layer of "energy" between my hand and the crystal, invisible to the naked eye but undeniably present. This experience profoundly resonated with Willard Wigan's famous words: "Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it's not there." From that moment on, I realized that the world I thought I knew was merely the tip of the iceberg, and that the unseen realm of energy held boundless knowledge and wisdom worth exploring. This revelation marked the beginning of my story with crystals.


Upon returning home, I started paying unprecedented attention to the once ordinary "decorations" and began consulting my family. Whenever a friend showed interest in crystals, we would enthusiastically provide them with a comprehensive introduction. My mother was no exception, and soon hundreds of crystal jewelry pieces emerged before me. Amidst the dazzling array, one piece caught my eye. It lacked the vibrant hues of other crystals and looked more like a stone, with its chaotic patterns and dark green color. Yet, it fascinated me, perhaps representing what I often mention to my customers – a "connection at first sight." This piece was my first crystal, a Moldavite pendant. We bonded based on pure feelings, without considering appearance or effects.

帶上捷克隕石的感覺好嗎? 一點也不好。 佩戴的第一次,便有一種頭昏腦脹的感覺,貼在胸前的第一個感覺並不是之前感受過的麻痹感,取而代之是一股熱力,是讓人有點不自然的熱力,更連呼吸也不太暢順。 雖然不太舒服,但苦口良藥的傳統觀念深深地刻在我的潛意識,也抱住新手的心態,喜歡一些感覺強烈的晶石,認為感受越強烈代表能量越強,就這麼以為自己得到一塊絕世石頭,然後硬着頭皮撐過去。慶幸佩戴一至兩星期後便適應了,只是有性格的捷克隕石時不時會「電」我一下,但總算再沒有肉體上的不適。
帶上捷克隕石的我過得好嗎? 我這輩子也沒有過得這麼差。 一直累積的問題、一直拖延未解決的事情、一直不想面對的人、一直欠下的「債」,都不約而同地在那一個月內找上門,我就這樣被轟炸得遍體鱗傷。 
隨着對晶石了解加深,事後回想當然明白那是捷克隕石給我上狠狠的一課。這一課雖然艱辛,但雨過天青後,我實實在在地感到成長,在處理各種問題後,身心也更加輕鬆自在。 雖然跟水晶結緣的過程一塌糊塗,但更確信晶石蘊藏着微妙的力量,而且足以改變人的一生。
之後開始迷上了收集不同種類的晶石,尤其喜歡各式各樣的擺件,因為擺件的大小讓我可以更加清楚地欣賞每一件大自然的傑作,亦都享受放在手上的質感。慶幸身邊有很多研究晶石的前輩,讓我可以隨時詢問交流,對晶石的了解亦都漸漸加深。在研究和收集的過程中亦都影響到很多身邊的朋友對水晶產生興趣,跟他們分享自己的見解,有時亦都會提議他們用水晶去幫助達成一些目標和解決生活上的問題。得知他們運用水晶解決生活上一個又一個的小課題,不禁讓我帶來滿足感,亦都想讓更多人接觸晶石的世界。 久而久之我便萌生了經營 GFE 的念頭, 希望可以透過微小的力量影響更多喜愛或需要晶石的人。更希望以自己一雙手作為過濾器,揀選出品質優良的晶石,讓顧客可以安心購買,也令剛剛接觸水晶的人對晶石有更好的印象和信心,日後會更深入了解晶石在肉眼看不到的一面,以晶石為伴迎接生命中一個又一個的課題。

Did it feel good to wear the Moldavite? Quite the contrary. The first time I put it on, I experienced a headache and heaviness in my chest, not the tingling sensation I had previously encountered. Instead, it was replaced by an unnatural warmth that made breathing difficult. Although uncomfortable, I persevered, believing that the stronger the sensation, the more powerful the energy. I thought I had discovered a unique stone and forced myself to endure its effects. Fortunately, I adapted to it after one or two weeks. Although the temperamental Moldavite occasionally "shocked" me, I no longer experienced physical discomfort.


Did life improve after wearing the Moldavite? It had never been worse. All the unresolved problems, delayed issues, people I didn't want to face, and debts I owed – they all converged within a month. I was battered and bruised, both emotionally and physically.


"Green crystals correspond to the heart chakra, which is located in the chest. Wearing a pendant on the chest should be beneficial..."


At that time, I had limited knowledge of crystals, and this was the extent of my understanding about the stone on my chest. You, of course, comprehend the reasons behind my experience, but back then, I didn't think too much about it and simply faced the challenges head-on.


As my understanding of crystals deepened, I realized that the Moldavite had taught me a valuable lesson. Though the journey was arduous, I emerged stronger, and my mind and body became more relaxed after dealing with the various issues. Despite my chaotic introduction to crystals, I became more convinced of their subtle power and their potential to change a person's life.

Subsequently, I became enamored with collecting various types of crystals, particularly enjoying an array of decorative pieces. Their size allowed me to better appreciate each work of art crafted by nature and to savor the sensation of holding them in my hands. I was fortunate to be surrounded by knowledgeable mentors in the world of crystals, enabling me to continually deepen my understanding and share insights with friends. I would sometimes suggest using crystals to help them achieve their goals or address life's challenges. Learning about their success in solving issues using crystals filled me with a sense of fulfillment and a desire to introduce more people to the world of crystals.

Gradually, the idea of founding GFE emerged, fueled by the hope of using my modest influence to reach a wider audience of crystal enthusiasts and those in need of their energy. I aspire to be a filter with my own hands, selecting high-quality crystals for customers to purchase with confidence, ensuring a positive first impression and fostering trust for those new to crystals. My ultimate goal is to help others explore the unseen aspects of crystals and embrace them as companions in facing life's lessons.