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| Differences Between Black Tourmaline & Obsidian |

Obsidian and black tourmaline are two black crystals often used for dealing with negative energy. As a result, many customers are curious about the differences between them. In this article, we will discuss their similarities, as well as their physical and energetic differences.



Both obsidian and black tourmaline are black crystals, and their energy frequencies correspond to the root chakra. They effectively process negative energy, offering the following benefits:

•  Providing a sense of security

•  Energy protection

•  Helping to ground and stabilize energy


Thus, either crystal can be chosen to achieve these effects.


Physical Differences:

Obsidian is a type of volcanic glass, so it has a glass-like texture with higher hardness and brittleness. Black tourmaline is a type of tourmaline mineral, with a more compact crystal structure and slightly lower hardness than obsidian.


Identification Methods:

In their raw form, obsidian usually has a glass-like luster with higher transparency and often features irregular shapes and edges. Black tourmaline has a striated structure, lower luster than obsidian, but high-quality specimens still display bright reflective surfaces under appropriate lighting.


Healing Properties and Applications:

Energetic Differences:

Obsidian has a higher ability to repel negative energy, tending to block it from entering. It is said that obsidian can leave scratch-like traces after repelling negative energy.


Black tourmaline, on the other hand, tends to absorb negative energy from the environment, acting more like a container for negative energy. It can temporarily store the absorbed negative energy, reducing its impact on space and people, thus protecting the user. Therefore, it needs to be cleansed more frequently than obsidian.


Subtle Effects Differences:

Black Tourmaline:

•  Helps absorb negative energy from the environment and electronic devices, reducing their impact on the body.

•  Relieves stress and is suitable for people frequently in high-pressure environments or those struggling with emotional issues.



•  Enhances mental clarity, reduces distractions, and improves decision-making efficiency. Ideal for those who need to focus on problem-solving and deep thinking.

•  Assists in overcoming addiction and breaking bad habits.


Timing of use:

Obsidian has a stronger repelling ability and is mainly used for prevention. For example, it can be placed in a space as a barrier against negative energy or carried when going to a place with high negative energy for protection.


Black tourmaline has a stronger absorption ability and is more suitable for healing after exposure to negative energy. When feeling emotionally low or uncomfortable after encountering negative energy, black tourmaline can be used to help guide the negative energy away from the body and restore balance.


Placement Differences:

Since obsidian can block negative energy, it is usually placed near entry points such as doors, windows, or corridors to prevent negative energy from entering a space.


Black tourmaline, on the other hand, is mainly used to absorb environmental and personal negative energy. It can be placed near sources of negative energy, such as electronic devices, or in areas where people spend a lot of time, like beside the bed or in resting spaces, to more effectively absorb negative energy and maintain physical and mental well-being. ©️GFE